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What’s New

Keep up-to-date on the latest vision-related news and eye care events at Simpson Optical.

Glaucoma Awareness Month: Comprehensive Eye Care at Simpson Optical

At Simpson Optical, your eye health is our top priority. With three convenient locations in Lexington, Kentucky—Lexington, , and —our dedicated team of eye care professionals provides personalized services for patients of all ages. This January, during Glaucoma Awareness Month, take a proactive step toward protecting your vision by requesting...

How the Eye Health Assessment Can Protect Your Vision

Your eyes are a window into your overall health. Learn how the Eye Health Wellness Assessment can detect early signs of eye and systemic health conditions and discover how to use your FSA/HSA funds for this essential service before year-end.

Your Eyes as Indicators of Your Physical Health

Did you know that a comprehensive eye exam can do more than just update your prescription? Your eyes are often called the "windows to your soul," but did you know that they also act as a window to your overall health? Physical Conditions and Diseases Identified During Eye Exams During...

The Connection Between Frequent Headaches and Vision Problems

Vision problems, such as eye strain or uncorrected vision, can often be the underlying cause of recurring headaches. This blog explores the connection between vision and headaches, offering insights into prevention and treatment options.

What are Comprehensive Eye Exams and Why Are They Important?

Simpson Optical highlights the importance of comprehensive eye exams in detecting serious eye conditions such as glaucoma, cataracts, and macular degeneration. Learn why thorough eye exams are crucial for maintaining optimal eye health.

Current Glaucoma Treatment Options

January is National Glaucoma Awareness Month. Glaucoma affects between 3 and 4 million Americans and is the number two cause of preventable blindness worldwide. About 50% of patients with glaucoma are currently undiagnosed. It is sobering to think about how many of you reading this article right now currently have...

What Do Your Eyes Reveal About You?

An individual's eyes can reveal a lot about them, including their mood, feelings, and even emotions. By simply looking at them, eyes can convey a warm, bright, and inviting vibe as well as a cold and repellent one – they are the window to a person’s soul. The Iris: What...

 Potential Alcohol Effects on Vision & Eye Health

While we all know that drinking alcohol can harm our bodies, what does it do specifically to our eyes? Short-term exposure to alcohol can alter vision, but what about repeated exposure to alcohol? Are there any permanent effects that you need to worry about? People who consider themselves to be "social drinkers"...